Its fantastic to be back!
The last couple of years have been nothing but remarkable for Scouting in Charnwood. I can remember that first message we received saying that scouting has been suspended due to the pandemic and thought ‘OMG, what are we going to do now then!’. Quite simply, we adapted very well and very quickly. Zoom meetings became the norm, Leaders and Cubs were taken out of their comfort zone, we had to learn new technology and adapt our programmes to engage with the Cubs, keep them interested and continue delivery excellent programmes. I remember the many in-home scavenger hunts, parents helping to cook cakes in a mug, discovering new craft skills and Kahoot quizzes – all I can say is thank you and well done too absolutely everyone

At the annual Census we have seen cub numbers bouncing back with an increase of 36 Cubs across the district from the previous year. Most packs saw an increase in numbers. A return to face-to-face scouting being a big part in this. Sadly, we had to close Bradgate Cubs during 2021
Since our return to face to face scouting the district has hit the ground running. We started off with 180 plus of us bowling as part of the worldwide bowling competition, Jambowlree. We then returned to an old favourite for cubs with our bi-annual football competition and just a few weeks back we went to ‘infinity and beyond’ with our District Space Camp. All events have been very well supported. Without you the events wouldn’t be as successful as they are and of course, the many happy faces we see on the photos wouldn’t exist without the dedication of all our leaders and volunteers going the extra yard to maximise the experience of scouting within Charnwood

Packs across the district continue to provide excellent programmes. The return to face to face has seen many packs getting ‘out and about’. Cubs across the district continue to complete their challenge awards with 1 in 4 eligible cubs achieving their silver award at the 2022 Census
Preparations for the next 18 months are already well under way – watch this space for our next adventure!
Yours in scouting
Neil Whittall
ADC Cubs
Charnwood District Scouts