The end of term is in sight – and where has it gone, well there’s been zoom, then back to meeting in open spaces, the indoors and then back to a new normal!
We cannot deny that we were hit by a reduction in numbers over the pandemic, but as we slowly return and put the fun back into Scouting the numbers begin to rise.
The District Team have been able to offer the football competition, camp, young leader training, an awards evening to Thank our leaders and volunteers. The Cub section entered the national Jambowlaree competition, and then the Scouts & Explorers had a go! And our final event for this term was the Scout & Explorer Raft race.

We are already beavering away in the background planning September onwards for everyone. There’s swimming, camps, DofE, Young Leader Training and of course new things on route from National level.
From the Team and I, we would like to thank every leader, occasional helper, exec member, parent and guardian who helps to keep Scouting well and truly on the map in Charnwood. Without you all there would be so many adults with 2 hours a week spare on their hands. We all deserve a thank you, but we should not forget the young people, they are the reason we are involved, and are either transporting, doing the washing after camp, DofE running about or at group level.

We have had some great top awards to present running up to the end of term including activity badges across the district, so plenty of sewing to be getting on with!
Have a good summer, stay safe and keep a look out for our next event……….
Paul & Team Charnwood.