To kick start 2025 our Cubs took over the lanes of Hollywood Bowl to take part in this years Jambowlree!

The Jambowlree is a world wide Scouting bowling competition which sees Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Network and Leaders bowl it out to find the best section in the world at bowling.

The Cubs (and some Leaders!) had fantastic time getting strikes and spares all down the lane, whilst also eating burgers and chips!

This event was also the last event for Neil who has been on the District team for many years as ADC Cubs before transforming into our Programme team member for Cubs! We would like to thank Neil for all the memories and events he has helped put on throughout the years. He’s not completely gone from the District as he will still be leading his Cub pack in Anstey.

Well done to all the Cubs for taking part in the event and a special thanks to Hollywood Bowl for hosting us. Let’s see where we come in the global leader board when the results come out in 2026….

Categories: Cubs

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