Well, here we are, nearly a year on since we were allowed back face to face Scouting!

Through lockdown beavers lost many members, along with 2 colonies and 1 whole group – but us in Charnwood didn’t let this worry us, we just carried on with online activities and then when we could we arrange our first district event, we did!

Football Tournaments galore we had as our first event, and it was so nice to be back with everybody in the district, joining in and all the blue ninja’s enjoying themselves.

At the end of the Easter term, I had the privilege of presenting 30 Chief Scout Bronze awards around the district, which is a great achievement for us, just shy of 20% of members at the time.

Last month we had our biggest beaver event ever, with every colony attending our space day trip, which saw more than 230 beavers, over 4 coaches descend on district camp, for a day of fun and adventure – with no craft insight, which was for sure the best advantage for all leaders.

Our numbers are back to where they were before lockdown, and with just a few more adult volunteers we can open the 2 closed colonies – so fingers crossed and watch this space.

There is plenty planned and no doubt there will be more badges to be presented over the next year, which makes me a busy ADC.

Id like to say a BIG Thank You to all involved in making the beaver section a great success and here’s to another successful year, here in Charnwood.

Hope to see you all around the district, whilst I’m out and about visiting colonies.

Yours In Scouting


Categories: Beavers

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